I seek an enthusiastic, determined, and self-motivated master’s student and a PhD student to work on a northern bobwhite chick ecology project in the Rolling Plains of Texas. The project is part of a 15,000 acre research site which employs broadcast supplemental feeding and predator reduction. Specifically, the student’s thesis will be centered on understanding the influences of the environment, habitat, and management practices on bobwhite chick survival. On-site field housing and travel will be provided. The field primary site will be located near Dickens, Texas, but the student will be required to spend time in Lubbock (housing not provided) for coursework and thesis/dissertation writing. The student will be advised by Dr. Brad Dabbert (Professor, TTU)
Bachelors of Science and/or Master’s (if applying for PhD) degree(s) conferred by August 15, 2022 in wildlife management, ecology, or a related discipline. The candidate must be able to work under field conditions that include hot temperatures, humidity, and abundant insects. Also, must have the capacity to learn quantitative techniques such as survival analysis and movement models. The ability to lead assist in hiring and lead a crew of interns is essential. Preference will be given to applicants with prior experience capturing and handling wildlife. The student should also be personable and a team player. A clean driving record is required. For consideration, please send a cover letter, CV, GRE scores, and unofficial transcripts to the contact email below. In your email use the subject line “Chick Ecology Assistantship.” In addition, please provide a list of at least 3 references.
Contact Person
Brad Dabbert
Contact eMail
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