Title [Please choose catchy title which represent your struggle and story line]
Clear Face Passport size image |
Author Name
Current Affiliations [times new roman, italic, 10 pt]
“Short Biographical Sketch, times new roman, italic 12 pt, no more than 50-100 words, please type your text here, please type your text here, please type your text here, please type your text here”
Main Text
Times New Roman, 12 pt. 1.5 line spacing, 700-800 words
Some guidelines for the content of the essay:
- Start with something which make you unique from others and get the attention of readers.
- Challenges and problems your life during your academic carrier. Specific event will be highly appreciated.
- Why did you choose at higher academic levels? How did you come to know about that this career path is for you?
- How did study in particular university (Environment) and research enable you to achieve your goals?
- How research contributes to your personal and professional development?
- Any problems you faced in adapting to the foreign culture.
- Any advice to prospective students regarding the choice for higher education.
- Any interesting incident that you encountered during your academic or personal journey.
- Any life learned lessons from your life.
- A brief family background.
You can see published stories at https://greeninnovationhub.com/category/infinity-explorer/
Any highlight of your story (one sentence).
Attach 4 pictures representing your storyline along with their captions
Note: Our editorial team will review your story and if seems suitable then we will publish it.