The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), offers a 2 years full-time postdoctoral position to work in the project UNDUE (Water management and governance Under Uncertainty: a Mediterranean watershed case). UNDUE is financed by the Research Spanish Agency («Proyectos de I+D+i» ref. PID2020-114944RB-I00) to investigate the role and function of uncertainty in collective decision-making processes in water management and governance. This is an action research project, situated in the Mijares river basin, Spain. The main goal of the project is to collaborate with different local actors to develop innovative methods to understand the effects of uncertainty and how to cope with it in ways that are socially inclusive and just.
The project is run under COLLAB at BC3 (sciencecollab.org), a research group devoted to study collective processes of decision-making and knowledge coproduction. UNDUE´s work is carried out by an interdisciplinary team of researchers, from the field of computer sciences, economy, conservation and natural sciences, who are looking forward to welcoming a new member. This new member, will:
- Take the lead in the design and implementation of experiments using games and simulations for the study of uncertainty
- Organize and support stakeholder work and meetings
- Develop coproduction workshops
- Publish high-impact, peer-reviewed research in international scientific journals.
- Contribute to a dynamic research team within COLLAB at BC3
Experience/skills required:
We are looking for a researcher with doctoral studies in fields like, environmental sciences, social sciences, or psychology. Other fields can be considered given that the candidate has the right expertise. Candidates without a PhD degree are discouraged to apply.
Ideally, candidates will be interested in climate change, water management and governance, from the perspective of social dynamics. They must have knowledge and expertise in using participatory social science methodologies such as ‘serious games’, behavioral simulations, social experimentation, or similar. Since, a great part of the work will entail working with people, applicants must have excellent interpersonal as well as communication skills (both written and oral) in English and Spanish. They also must be willing to travel to the study site for conducting fieldwork.
The applicants should demonstrate evidence of a track record in peer-reviewed publications as well as ability to initiate and complete research characterized by originality, creativity and innovation and in collaboration with other team members.
Other experience/skills valued:
Previous experience in organizing and supporting the coordination of stakeholder meetings and workshops. Statistics/econometric modeling.
Term of contract
The position will be for a period of 24 months, starting in spring
The position will carry competitive salary, matching the academic and professional profile of the applicant, and excellent work conditions.
Basque Centre for Climate Change, Leioa, Spain.
As a HR Excellence awarded institution, BC3 is committed to conciliate research-academic requirements and family duties. BC3 is particularly concerned with creating equality opportunities for people. Women with relevant qualifications are therefore strongly encouraged to apply for the position.
Application procedure:
Those interested should include in their request:
- Detailed Curriculum Vitae
- The name of three referees
- Motivation letter
Applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.
Informal enquiries for additional information can be made to Prof. M. Brugnach ([email protected]) noting in the subject of the message “PostDoc: UNDUE”
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