One or two postdoctoral posi0ons are available in the laboratory of Dr. Meiliang Zhou in Ins0tute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China. The Zhou lab u0lizes a combina0on of omics approaches, including GWAS and mGWAS to iden0fy key enzyme genes or transcrip0on factors or transporters involved in plant secondary metabolites biosynthesis. The Zhou lab also studies plant secondary metabolites media0ng the plant-microbe interac0on at different gene0c layers. The successful candidates will ac0vely par0cipate in, but not be limited to, the following projects:
1) Comprehensively study several novel genes in buckwheat ru0n metabolism or Lotus japonicas cyanogenic glucoside biosynthesis.
2) Plant-Rhizoctonia interac0on at an epigene0c level using buckwheat and Arabidopsis as a research model. The Zhou lab has iden0fied few key factors which could mediate PlantRhizoctonia interac0on.
Applicants should process a Ph.D. degree with solid training in biochemistry, molecular biology, gene0cs, and/or basic computa0onal analysis with at least one first authored publica0on(s) in a pres0gious journal from their PhD work. Applica0ons are accepted immediately un0l the posi0ons are filled. Interested applicants should send a CV, brief summary of research experience, and contact informa0on for at least two references by email to
[email protected].