ICOS-Cities combines and evaluates the most innovative measurement approaches of greenhouse gas emissions in densely populated urban areas. The project supports the European Green Deal and aims at developing unique tools and services for cities in support of their local climate action plans. Zurich is one of the three pilot cities, together with Munich and Paris, and hosts a wealth of measurement technologies and two CO2 monitoring networks. In collaboration with a consortium of 30 European research groups, Empa coordinates the activities in the city of Zurich, runs the sensors and reference instruments, and provides highly resolved atmospheric transport models to the research community.
Your tasks
- Coordinate the sensor activities, in collaboration with our technicians and project partners.
- Develop and apply strategies and algorithms for QA/QC and field calibration of deployed sensors.
- Develop statistical models and visualization tools for geospatial CO2 distribution at the city-scale.
- Initiate projects and research collaborations for further exploitation of our unique datasets.
- Publish results in high impact journals and present your work at international conferences.
Required skills
- PhD degree in environmental sciences, computational sciences, geosciences or a related discipline.
- Strong programming skills, e.g., Python, R, Linux shell scripting.
- Experience with large datasets, databases, statistical modelling and machine learning.
- Experience in environmental analytics or sensor technology.
- Ability to communicate scientific results in peer-reviewed journals and conferences.
- Fluency in English is required; basic knowledge of German and French are desirable.
The duration of this position is three years. The position is available from May 2022 and will remain open until filled. Working place will be Empa in Dübendorf.
For further information about the position please contact Dr. Lukas Emmenegger [email protected] and visit our websites www.empa.ch/web/s503.
We look forward to receiving your online application including a letter of motivation, CV, list of publications, diplomas with transcripts and contact details of two referees. Please upload the requested documents through our webpage. Applications via email will not be considered.
Empa, David Heusser, Human Resources, Ueberlandstrasse 129, 8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland.
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